
Whistleblowing reporting portalĀ 

Our company offers a confidential reporting portal that is accessible to everyone to report violations and unethical behavior internally. It serves to ensure adherence to compliance guidelines and the integrity of our organization.

You should use the portal if you have specific and substantiated knowledge of possible violations of the law, observe unlawful activities or have information that could help uncover such incidents.

However, avoid using the system to make unsubstantiated, defamatory or false reports as this may have legal consequences.

Submitting a report is easy and safe, and whistleblowers are fully protected to avoid reprisals from the employer. It is possible to submit reports anonymously to protect the identity of the reporter.

Although reports can also be submitted directly to competent authorities, our internal portal serves as a first point of contact to enable faster and more effective problem resolution, as opposed to often lengthy court processes. Use of the internal reporting channel is voluntary.

For detailed information on the reporting process, legal framework and other relevant topics, please visit the section below.

We would be delighted if you could help us to clarify the situation!
Werbeagentur aufwind GmbH

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Notes on the whistleblower reporting portal

This portal is for the transmission of information. If you have knowledge of potential or actual violations of the law in connection with our company, you can report them to us anonymously or by name. This information is essential for maintaining our compliance guidelines and reducing risk.

Requirements for providing information

Anyone can provide information; prior registration is not necessary. To simplify the exchange with the whistleblower officer, you can use our chat function. After submitting the report, you can view the status of your report using an access code.

Whistleblowing process:

You can submit tips either anonymously or in person via an online form in which you can describe the incident and attach additional documents or audio recordings. With your consent, audio recordings will be saved; without this, they will be deleted after the report has been created.

Once you have submitted your report, the time is recorded and the reporting process begins. In exceptional cases, the report can also be made by telephone or in person; this will be documented accordingly. A processor who confirms receipt within one week will deal with your report. You will receive feedback on the steps taken or planned within three months.

Anonymity and whistleblower protection:

The protection of your identity is guaranteed. You can decide for yourself whether and what personal data you disclose. However, if your identity is discovered, you are entitled to protection. In order to be protected as a whistleblower, your information must be based on reasonable grounds for suspicion. Abusive reports can have legal consequences.

The protection includes

Protection against retaliation
Right to information
Advice and information from external bodies
Security measures:

All data is stored and processed securely and confidentially on a Hetzner server in Europe. Access to the system is strictly controlled and limited to authorised persons.

Data processing:

The portal collects information in strict compliance with EU Directive 2019/1937 and national laws. The purpose is the prevention and prosecution of offences. All personal data is processed in accordance with the GDPR and deleted after legally prescribed periods.

For detailed data protection information, please refer to our privacy policy.

Dealing with notices:

Every report is handled in encrypted form and only seen by a qualified processor. Information is only passed on in cases required by law.

External reporting centre:

Although internal offices should be favoured, there is no obligation to contact them first. External reporting centres are intended for cases in which internal solutions are not appropriate or reasonable.

For more information on the procedure for external reporting bodies, please use the link provided to a list of these bodies in the EU, Germany and Austria.

Next step

Before you submit a report in the portal, we would like to inform you in detail about the reporting procedure.

Please read the information carefully before proceeding to the next step.

Your contact details


Next step

It is not necessary to enter your personal details if you choose to submit a tip anonymously. For an anonymous submission, simply skip entering your contact details and proceed to the next step.

If you choose to submit anonymously, you will not be required to provide any personal information, which will conceal your identity and make it impossible to trace who submitted the tip.

Please be aware that without contact details we will not be able to ask you any questions or give you any feedback. However, if you would like to stay up to date, our system allows you to view the status of your report and contact the person responsible should this be necessary.

Describe message

Next step

A detailed description of the incident is of great importance for the swift and effective processing of your report.

We would like to point out that despite comprehensive security precautions, it may be possible to draw conclusions about you personally from the information provided. If your anonymity is a high priority for you, it is important that you do not disclose any details that could allow conclusions to be drawn about your identity.

Your case ID and password



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Please make sure you save this information.

Otherwise you will no longer be able to access the answers relating to your case.

Thank you for your enquiry. You can access your current status and feedback from the person in charge at any time via our portal.

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You will need your case ID and password to log in.